Thats enough introduction - on with the plants!
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... out in the garden.
Twenty five years ago I built a greenhouse, more as a garden divider than as a greenhouse. It grew some magnificent
Abutilon for a few years (which I no longer grow) and Bulbinella hookeri (which I no longer grow)
and Cissus striata with its improbably dark elfin trails of rampant foliage, looking for all the world
like a world devouring vine suddenly midgetified (I'm sure it's in the dictionary) (which I no longer grow).
This week I unbuilt it with a sledge hammer and a bonfire. With luck the large flat no-longer-divided area
that it occupied will shortly be transformed into a new Hedychium house. A JCB removed the tree stumps,
I just have to get out my bucket and spade and pat the rutted ground flat again.
On the weather front, there hasn't been one for two days and I was horrified to see that all the daylilies were drying out.
Rain forecast for tomorrow! Dahlias have started (no space this week), Crocosmia have started (no space this week),
Daylilies bright beyond belief (no space this week), but there is space for...
8th July 2007
Rosa 'Toby Tristram' .
I don't generally have a lot of time (or space) for roses (too pink, too fluffy, too prone to inelegant death
in this climate), but from time to time I run into one I like. This rampant Rosa filipes seedling
came to me quite by chance many years ago as a rooted cutting and is currently eating my workshop in a slow but determined
manner. The south wing is now decidedly shabby but bursts into seasonal peachy froth. It is brief but heartwarming.
8th July 2007
Anagallis tenella 'Studland' .
The first time met this pretty little species I had a strange sinking feeling, because as it turned out,
I was sinking! It grows in wet bogs among sundews and bog asphodel, and if you believe that natural charms
occur where they are most needed, then this is the magical remedy for drying my trainers. This selection
came originally from Studland Heath in Dorset and is found in nurseries from time to time.
I can't pretend to see any difference between it and the typical species, but I don't really
care. It is a wonderful thing. Growing here in a wet pot. A really really wet pot. Standing in a couple
of inches of water sort of wet.
8th July 2007
Asarum longirhizomatosum .
The Asarum have more or less finished (save for one curious unidentified plant that came to me as "autumn flowering" - hasn't managed it yet though) but this
splendid curly white faced flower ends the season with panache. A joyful detail of horticultural complexity amid the brash
and skin deep charms of summer.
8th July 2007
Aspidistra patentiloba 'Stretch Marks' .
Following on after last weeks Aspidistra patentiloba comes this form from Tony Avent at Plant Delights Nursery. Yellow spotted leaves, a verbal cringe where a
name should reside and a delightful curl to the tips of the tepals. The plant is only just establishing in its pot and I should really remove the flower
, and maybe I will tomorrow, but for today I am enjoying its tactile quality with all the eccentric beauty of a knobbly pumpkin.
To find particular groups of plants I grow, click on the genus name in the table above. Click on the "Index" box at the top of the page for the full list.
I have a lot of good intentions when it comes to updating this site, and I try to keep a note
about what is going on, if you are interested.
If you want to contact me, the address is
When typing the address in, please replace MONKEY with the more traditional @ symbol! I apologise for the tiresome performance involved, but I am getting too much
spam from automated systems as a result of having an address on the front page.