Thats enough introduction - on with the plants!
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... out in the garden.
29th July 2007
Gloriosa rothschildiana .
One of the fruits of this years nostalgia trip. I haven't grown it for an unspecified number of years
(I was fourteen). Decided to find out quite how cold tolerant it actually is. I suspect that it
will have to be bone dry through the winter and it is quite possible that I will kill it
but I am glad to meet it again.
29th July 2007
Eucomis bicolor .
The Eucomis have also just started to flower and once again this year I have failed to organise
myslef quickly enough to try some interesting hybrids. For the moment I am just going to spread some pollen
about as best I can. I did it last year and I still haven't sown the seed yet (but I have just sown the Clivia
, mostly yellows and Rohdea. The latter was already germinating when I put it into the pots
on tuesday. It had spent the last three months in a pair of old tights in the lavatory cistern while the ever
changing water flushed out the germination inhibitors - it's all high tech here you know! The first time I have
ever managed to germinate it, and I am happy happy happy.)
These Eucomis are three year old seedlings that were using up bench space in the greenhouse that
I couldn't spare so finally I planted them out and they have managed a few early flowers.
They should be hardy without any real problems - unlike the Oleander I have rather recklessly planted above them.
It grows just south of here, so it might make it.
29th July 2007
29th July 2007
To find particular groups of plants I grow, click on the genus name in the table above. Click on the "Index" box at the top of the page for the full list.
I have a lot of good intentions when it comes to updating this site, and I try to keep a note
about what is going on, if you are interested.
If you want to contact me, the address is
When typing the address in, please replace MONKEY with the more traditional @ symbol! I apologise for the tiresome performance involved, but I am getting too much
spam from automated systems as a result of having an address on the front page.