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... out in the garden.

2nd March 2008

Anemone trifolia 'Pink Form' .
The first of the Anemone has come as a surprise. Last week there was barely anything showing above ground, and this week the flowers are open. The species grows in the same woodland conditions as Anemone nemorosa, but comes from the southern end of the Alps.

2nd March 2008

Asarum minor 'Dixie Darling' . In the chaos of the week things get overlooked, and Asarum are more easily overlooked than many spring flowers. This little plant has been sheltering in the conservatory for a year now - I have been meaning to move it back with the others , but never quite got there. In spite of my neglect, it has managed to produce a couple of red and white marbled flowers beneath the silver marbled foliage.

2nd March 2008

Hepatica Noumurasaki seedling .
The last time I grew any appreciable number of Hepatica from seed was 2005, and I am about due to have another go. In the meantime, the previous seedlings have started to flower. This seedling from 'Noumurasaki' is paler than its parent, but I find the pale watery blue rather attractive. I am always pleased to see the Hepatica come into flower - I am very aware that I haven't got conditions right for them yet. At the moment they are all outside, but as the sun heats up they will need to go under co9ver somewhere.

2nd March 2008

Romulea bulbocodium clusiana .
I saw the tiny buds of this Romulea last week, but theyt have suddenly opened. It is a sensational flash of colour for the earliest part of the season and the bulbs have been no problem to grow - they sit in a pot and get whatever treatment is going. The flowers are quite short lived but there is so much happening in the garden now that it doesn't matter.

Acorus Alocasia Anemone Arisaema Arum Asarum Aspidistra Begonia Bromeliads Camellia
Carnivorous Cautleya Chirita Chlorophytum Clivia Colocasia Crocosmia Dionaea Drosera Epimedium
Eucomis Fuchsia Galanthus Hedychium Helleborus Hemerocallis Hepatica Hosta Impatiens Iris
Liriope Ophiopogon Pinguicula Polygonatum Ranunculus ficaria Rhodohypoxis Rohdea Roscoea Sansevieria Sarracenia
Scilla Sempervivum Tricyrtis Tulbaghia Utricularia Viola odorata Watsonia

To find particular groups of plants I grow, click on the genus name in the table above. Click on the "Index" box at the top of the page for the full list.
I have a lot of good intentions when it comes to updating this site, and I try to keep a note about what is going on, if you are interested.
If you want to contact me, the address is infoMONKEYjohnjearrard.co.uk
When typing the address in, please replace MONKEY with the more traditional @ symbol! I apologise for the tiresome performance involved, but I am getting too much spam from automated systems as a result of having an address on the front page.