Thats enough introduction - on with the plants!
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... out in the garden.
22nd June 2008
Iris ensata 'Gusto' .
The bulk of the Hemerocallis and Crocosmia collections here are grown in pots in a big herbaceous bed.
Over the last few years it has all become rather weedy and mixed up. I added the Watsonia and some Yucca
and it had reached the pointr where it needed some serious sorting out. Spare time over the last two weeks
has been spent digging out a section of the hill to make a terrace to keep them all on, and it is finally finished.
All the potted stuff has been moved, and the Irisa ensata forms have been added just in time
for the whole lot to start flowering. The consequence of all this is that the plants now have a different backdrop
and the sun shines on them from a different direction so the photographs look different.
It is now very easy to take pictures of the flowers with the sun shining through them and that is what
I am planning to dfo (until I get bored with it).
22nd June 2008
Roscoea wardii .
The Roscoea are coming into full flower - it is a strange thing, the season is spread over such a long period it is difficult to know where
the crescendo is, but the arrival of R.wardii is definitely a highlight. Dark purple flowers appear in sufficient numbers to produce a decent display
. I didn't manage to collect any seed from it last year, so it deserves some special effort this.
22nd June 2008
22nd June 2008
Eucalyptus pauciflora niphophila .
The glorious rain has arrived and the garden is already showing the benefit. Everything is greener and brighter and looking lush. There are a number of flowering trees around
- Cornus 'Norman Haddon' is especially good at the moment, but this Eucaplyptus makes such a rare showing that it has to appear here.
That isn't because it doesn't flower every year, but it is so tall now that I never see them!
This year the rain arrived at the peak of flowering and brought a branch down, so I was able to photograph it (for the first time in 25 years). The tree
makes lovely shade in the garden, and when I am lying in the bath I can see the smoke grey branches blowing in the breeze, which is very relaxing.
All in all, most satisfactory.
To find particular groups of plants I grow, click on the genus name in the table above. Click on the "Index" box at the top of the page for the full list.
I have a lot of good intentions when it comes to updating this site, and I try to keep a note
about what is going on, if you are interested.
If you want to contact me, the address is
When typing the address in, please replace MONKEY with the more traditional @ symbol! I apologise for the tiresome performance involved, but I am getting too much
spam from automated systems as a result of having an address on the front page.