Thats enough introduction - on with the plants!
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... out in the garden.
2nd February 2009
Sarcococca hookeriana digyna .
The Sarcococca are delightful evergreen shrubs that will produce low suckering clumps and do best in some shade. If that was all, they would be
consigned to the shrubby underskirts of the larger gardens, and that would be an end to it. Fortunately the winter flowers are scented with
a sweetness that flows through the garden like an invisible river. In an enclosed space it might even be described as pungent!
One of the especial joys of a new planting in the garden is the opportunity to fill the little spaces with delights like these. The new Camellia
hedge is already looking as though it will keep the wind under control (which is its primary purpose) and the spaces to pop a few extra joys among them
have been used up!
2nd February 2009
Helleborus x hybridus Double Apricot .
The purpose of the windbreak is to protect the Hellebores, now I have cut down the Pine trees! It might be wishful thinking, but I can already see the Hellebores
enjoying the extra light and moisture that the Pines were keeping from them.
This double apricot is a stunning beauty. I have had it for several years, and have now raised a few little friends for it to make a decent clump.
A few years ago I planted a large number of young seedlings up in the beds, and they are just coming into flower. So far there is nothing
to set the heart racing, but they will make a fine show in time.
2nd February 2009

Iris 'Katherine Hodgkin' .
Much as I enjoy this little Iris hybrid, it is clear that the snails prefer it more, the edges of the petals have been a bit nibbled,
but it is only just spring, and every little bit of colour is welcome.
This one prospers in a pot, and it once did well in the ground, but
after a few years it started to fade. I should probably have moved them to a fresh position, but I didn't get around to it until it was too late.
Now I grow them in pots and enjoy them just as much.
2nd February 2009

Galanthus 'Barbaras Double' .
This is a lovely tidy double flowered snowdrop. I have had it for a couple of years, and when it makes a couple of extra bulbs in the pot
I will plant it out in the woods, where it will look down on the Hellebores and be cheered. It is a wonder I have managed to get a photo - the wind has reached
hurricane force up there today. Ernest Shepard drew an illustration of Piglet in the great autumn wind, with his ears streaming out behind him
like the snowdrops today.
Usually I like to know something about the background of snowdrops, but for the moment I think it is better that I remain in ignorance of "Barbara". Someone
chose this snowdrop to remind themself of her. Perhaps she has an enormous arse!
To find particular groups of plants I grow, click on the genus name in the table above. Click on the "Index" box at the top of the page for the full list.
I have a lot of good intentions when it comes to updating this site, and I try to keep a note
about what is going on, if you are interested.
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