Thats enough introduction - on with the plants!
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... out in the garden.
8th March 2009
Asarum heterotropoides .
This came from China a couple of years ago, and has flowered for the first time this morning. Spring is full of surprises, and this is one of them.
I haven't worked out what it is yet, but it isn't A.heterotropoides!
Most of the Asarum are pushing through the compost now. They suffered last year because they needed repotting and there wasn't time,
but it is underway now, and already the plants are showing the benefit. Extreme cold in the winter hasn't helped them either, but
I think they have all more or less come through.
8th March 2009
Camellia 'Winton'. .
Another spring surprise, 'Winton' is a hybrid of c.sasangua which could flower in autumn, but never seems to manage much until spring is underway.
These delicate pale pink flowers are delightful whatever the season .They make the fat saturated colours of the C.japonica sorority, stuck awkwardly
on their stems, look like pink polyester chavs on the swings in the recreation ground.
8th March 2009

Helleborus x hybridus Double Apricot .
I have planted a few more Hellebore seedlings out under the trees over the last few weeks, so a drop of rain over the last two days has been very welcome.
(It is a long hard walk up the hill to carry water to them!) I wish I had a few more of these double apricot forms - one disadvantage of the wet
weather is that it makes it harder to pollinate them (wet knees, wet hands, sticky pollen all very messy and unreliable). The flowers are all more or less
at a peak, and so I will have to find a way to get them polinated in the next week if I want to have a decent crop of seed.
Last years seed has sprung up, and any time now it is going to need pricking out. If they are kept moving then they mature much more rapidly,
and then there will be more to plant out!
8th March 2009

Ranunculus ficaria 'Carnon Downs Double' .
There are a number of double flowered Celandines, and the names of them are a little mixed up. I saw this one at a local garden centre
and had a feeling it was unlike any of my others. This year I am convinced it is distinct, the tepals are broader and more reflexed than
'Flore-Plena', which is the next closest to it.
The rest of the Celandines are burgeoning and I am hoping to produce some interesting second generation seed from some of my previous 'babies' -
always room for more doubles!
To find particular groups of plants I grow, click on the genus name in the table above. Click on the "Index" box at the top of the page for the full list.
I have a lot of good intentions when it comes to updating this site, and I try to keep a note
about what is going on, if you are interested.
If you want to contact me, the address is
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