came from Kobakoba, it was grown from open pollinated seed from the national collection. Probably the best
red flowered form I grow, it is (almost) without the tinge of orange shown by most forms of the species.
16th August 2009
Eucomis 'Joy's Purple' .
There are a number of Eucomis with purple or purple tinged leaves, but this is the darkest of the purple flowered forms. It has been good here
in the greenhouse but I don't have enough to try it outside yet - if the weather damaged the flower spike then the leaves would not be sufficient to sustain
The general dampness here is not good for Eucomis outdoors - I have a large raised bed of E.bicolor but it isn't really prospering. Even
in a dry sunny location there is enough moisture to support a thick covering of moss, and make a home for every weed species recorded from the county!
16th August 2009

Tulbaghia leucantha H&B 11996 .
The identification of Tulbaghia remains problematical - the last stock I grew as T.leucantha turned out to be T.montana
(which was very welcome once a proper name had been uncovered).
This stock was collected in South Africa by Hilliard and Burtt, so I hope it is correctly named - I haven't managed to track down a key to the genus yet
and such photo's as there are online are a little confused. I have only had it for a short time but it is vigorous and I think rather charming. It is
rich in oniony fragrance but I don't think I would want a gravy made from it (pungent rather than fragrant!)
16th August 2009

Arum Pictum .
Last week I had little pointy shoots sticking out of the pot but a warm week has seen it burst up into flower. I was a little worried by the bare pot
through the summer but it has come through dormancy strongly. I wasn't able to detect any smell from it when I went searching nose first, but
every now and then I pass nearby in the greenhouse, and something smells unexpectedly septic!
The spring Arum were surprisingly dull this year so it is nice to have a little stunner, even if it is hinting of the winter to come! Fortunately
the leaves seem to be quite tolerant of cold so it remains in good condition until the spring flowering ones take over.
To find particular groups of plants I grow, click on the genus name in the table above. Click on the "Index" box at the top of the page for the full list.
I have a lot of good intentions when it comes to updating this site, and I try to keep a note
about what is going on, if you are interested.
If you want to contact me, the address is
When typing the address in, please replace MONKEY with the more traditional @ symbol! I apologise for the tiresome performance involved, but I am getting too much
spam from automated systems as a result of having an address on the front page.