Thats enough introduction - on with the plants!
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... out in the garden.
11th October 2009
Crinum 'Carolina Beauty' .
It has been a quiet week. I have been finishing off the water beds in the greenhouse (and managed to fall off the roof in the process - don't ask!)
and the garden is filled with things that are finishing and things that haven't quite made it yet, but there have been a few surprises.
I bought this Crinum from Bob Brown a couple of years ago and wasn't expecting flowers for a few years yet, so this late offering is very welcome.
It originated with Tony Avent at Plant Delights Nursery and he says it flowers in North Carolina in May, so this is unseasonal, to say the least.
He thinks it is a hybrid between C.americanum and C.bulbispermum and is a simple and elegant flower. With luck it will bulk up
and make an impressive clump in time.
11th October 2009
Hepatica nobilis var japonica 'Shikouden' .
After a dryish summer I have soaked the Hepatica for winter and this one has responded by throwing up an autumn flower. It must be the week for the
Ranunculaceae - everywhere I go I have been seeing early Hellebores in flower as well. It seems to be the young plants in pots that are producing odd
autumn flowers, up in the woods everything is still sleeping soundly and I will be perfectly happy if there is no movement from them until December.
I thought the flower on this double Hepatica might be deformed it has developed so fast at the wrong season, but it seems to be perfect. This is probably
a good time to repot them as well, but they didn't put on a lot of growth last year and I think I am going to leave them for a while.
11th October 2009

Nymphaea 'Pygmaea Helvola' .
I have spent years wondering if any of the tiny Nymphaea hybrids are small enough to grow in a tub of water, but I didn't get around to testing it
until this summer. This one has been a great success although I have only had a few flowers, but they have been wonderful. I am hoping that once is it established
and has more crowns, I will get more flowers.
I am looking for more miniature cultivars in a range of colours, because I can always find space for a tub of water!
11th October 2009

Tricyrtis affinis 'Lunar Landing' .
The Toad Lilies had a bad time last year. I moved all of the pots into the sun, and they grew at an astonishing speed, but the horse from next door broke through the fence
and grazed the top growth off them (and ate a fair bit of the peat compost as well, that was some hungry horse!) They all came into the greenhouse
while they recovered, and those that had enough growth on were repotted and have bounced back. Those that were eaten off below compost level have been less
enthusiastic, but a few have survived and will be repotted next spring.
I got 'Lunar Landing' from the USA in 2006, and it was always a rather feeble scrap of plant so I was pampering it in the greenhouse when
equine - toad warfare broke out and it was able to watch from no-mans land and has managed a few flowers at last (though the plant itself is still rather feeble).
To find particular groups of plants I grow, click on the genus name in the table above. Click on the "Index" box at the top of the page for the full list.
I have a lot of good intentions when it comes to updating this site, and I try to keep a note
about what is going on, if you are interested.
If you want to contact me, the address is
When typing the address in, please replace MONKEY with the more traditional @ symbol! I apologise for the tiresome performance involved, but I am getting too much
spam from automated systems as a result of having an address on the front page.