came and went in a flash. I didn't get any of the pollination done that I wanted, and this poor plant is flowering all alone. Very unfortunate.
Last year I repotted this one because it kept falling over and it has prospered with more water and more space. It grows tall stems (very slowly)
and I was keen to keep them from drying out in a pot that was too small. Now it is magnificent, and about five times larger than the overwintering space available.
In the heat of summer the worries of winter begin.
27th June 2010

Epiphyllum 'Pajaro' .
The Epiphyllum have been enjoying a summer break in the greenhouse. They are slower to come into flower than they would have been in a warm greenhouse
(instead of stored in trays in the dark) but it is worth the wait. Four red flowered cultivars all opened overnight, and this is the best of them. It is very large,
irridescent and tinged with orange. The plants are ungainly and I am toying with the idea of cutting them all back to get new shoots from the base, but I think it would set
back my chances of flowers next year.
27th June 2010

Sonchus congestus .
A shrubby dandelion from the mountains of the Canary Isles. I was given a seedling last year and after a difficult winter (with the Epiphyllum
unfortunately) it has come into flower. The flowering axis is a little distorted, but I think it should hold out for long enough to produce seed.
I am also hoping for some basal branching (no sign yet) so that it can eventually form a large upright shrub. We're going to need a considerably larger pot.
To find particular groups of plants I grow, click on the genus name in the table above. Click on the "Index" box at the top of the page for the full list.
I have a lot of good intentions when it comes to updating this site, and I try to keep a note
about what is going on, if you are interested.
If you want to contact me, the address is
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