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... out in the garden.

4th July 2010

Lilium formosanum pricei .
A dwarf form of the species, which hails from Taiwan. This one is growing in the greenhouse, and it is much taller this year than it was last - I suspect a combination of protection and high temperatures have drawn it up. Easy from seed, and I would have a garden full of it by now, if I had made the time to plant the seed. Not too late. Given a decent season they might still be ready for planting out next year (and I have to sow seed next week, I have just harvested the Hellebore seed, and it will sulk if I don't get it in promptly).
Some rain at the end of the week is already making a difference in the garden. Plants are looking healthier, the Astilbe's have crispy fried leaves but it isn't getting any worse now. The leaves will fall off, the flower spikes will open anyway, it will all look rather stupid.

4th July 2010

Pelargonium endlicherianum .
I only have a few Pelargonium left - the winter finished off most of the ones that weren't killed the year before. This Turkish species is an oddity in many ways but most importantly it is probably the hardiest species, though it doesn't tolerate winter wet very well. I grew it from seed when I finally got fed up with being sent Erodium species in it's place by nurseries.
I usually manage a trip to Kew at this time of the year, and no doubt I will find it growing all over the Alpine house in a range of size and colour variations. I seem to remember a blood-curdling pink (as though this wasn't bright enough) and it is always nice to have something to frighten yourself with in the early morning, so I may grow some more from seed - left to its own devices this one doesn't seem to produce any so I may have to help it along.

4th July 2010

Iris ensata 'Yedo Yiman' .
Iris ensata is traditionally grown as a water iris, and most of the collection here is in pots in water tanks, but I have a few planted in the herbaceous border and they have been much stronger and healthier looking, so it is time for them all to go out there. There seems to be an infinite number of named forms about, and more confusingly, they all seem to be different. I would have them all if there was space (and if I had the patience). The ridiculous gigantic veined flowers are one of the few things in the garden that can take on the more excessive Hemerocallis and get away with it. If they all end up planted together (as seems likely) it will be striking (and probably un-nerving).
I am still looking for things to ease the shock of a border of strappy leaves, and given the company, I might try some Dahlias. I will be speechless if it works (it might well be unspeakable)!

4th July 2010

Watsonia gladioloides .
The Watsonia have suffered from a long dry spell as they form flower buds. I have managed to keep them from drying out completely, but they would prefer to be soaking wet. I bought a lot of new Watsonia species last year and I have related elsewhere some part of my frustration that none of them has turned out to be correctly named (but there is still a certain amount of wailing and gnashing of teeth going on - I'm not going back to the nursery concerned until I am calmer, nobody needs a visit from an erratic wailing watsoniaphile banshee - I'm irritated but not inhumane, and even I accept that I may have lost my sense of perspective over the issue).
On the other hand his one came from Pine Lodge Gardens, where the lovely people raised some lovely seed and it is all true to name. Restores my faith in humanity!

Acorus Alocasia Anemone Arisaema Arum Asarum Aspidistra Begonia Bromeliads Camellia
Carnivorous Cautleya Chirita Chlorophytum Clivia Colocasia Crocosmia Dionaea Drosera Epimedium
Eucomis Fuchsia Galanthus Hedychium Helleborus Hemerocallis Hepatica Hosta Impatiens Iris
Liriope Ophiopogon Pinguicula Polygonatum Ranunculus ficaria Rhodohypoxis Rohdea Roscoea Sansevieria Sarracenia
Scilla Sempervivum Tricyrtis Tulbaghia Utricularia Viola odorata Watsonia

To find particular groups of plants I grow, click on the genus name in the table above. Click on the "Index" box at the top of the page for the full list.
I have a lot of good intentions when it comes to updating this site, and I try to keep a note about what is going on, if you are interested.
If you want to contact me, the address is infoMONKEYjohnjearrard.co.uk
When typing the address in, please replace MONKEY with the more traditional @ symbol! I apologise for the tiresome performance involved, but I am getting too much spam from automated systems as a result of having an address on the front page.