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... out in the garden.

12th September 2010

Acis rosea .
Name changes are always a little tiresome, even when they are clearly a good thing. The majority of Leucojum were moved into Acis a decade or mare ago, and I am slowly catching up. These fragile delicate flowered bulbs are a world away from their giant cousins remaining in Leucojum and the move seems a very sensible thing, but it still takes a while to get to grips with. Fortunately the re-namer had the good sense to make it easier to spell - that 'j' in Leucojum always sat a little uncomfortably!
This is an especially delightful member of the new genus, the flowers are blushed with pink, and it is neither as obliging nor as floriferous as A.autumnalis but it has done well in a pot in a cold greenhouse. I thought I had missed the only flower this year, but it has produced a second for me and I was able to get a photograph this morning. It doesn't really do the plant justice, but it is a photograph!

12th September 2010

Biarum tenuifolium abbreviatum .
Even the expected autumnal performers have an unexpected air about them, and this Biarum has easily slipped on the mantle of the unexpected. A moments sunlight this afternoon has illuminated the spathe in a rather satisfactory way, but I was exzpecting the stench of a thousand decaying donkeys to flood the greenhouse. Instead, it was faintly unappetizing like the remains of a sunday roast discovered on a monday morning.
Another denizen of a pot in the cold greenhouse where its occasional green leaves are beside the point.

12th September 2010

Crocosmia 'Cascade'.
The Crocosmia in the garden have been performing well this year, released from the prison of their pots, and this has been a special surprise. In a pot it was a rather ordinary orange cultivar leaning rather heavily towards the C.masoniorum end of the spectrum. Once in the ground it has produced a large spike of large flowers which make a significant dab of colour in the border.
Raised by Gary Dunlop and named in 1999, it has not yet managed the fame it deserves in gardens.

12th September 2010

Hedychium gardnerianum 'Pallidum'.
The Hedychium have started to perfume their greenhouse as part of their seasonal display. The deciduous species have an assortment of scents, but they never manage to fill the entire space with fragrance. During the week 'Devon Cream' and H.gardnerianum have both come into flower, and during the evening you could cut it with a knife.
This is a slightly paler form of the species - I need to have them both side by side to see the difference. I have heard it suggested that this is also slightly smaller growing and flowers more freely, but even growing side by side those distinctions have eluded me. It doesn't have especially glaucous leaves and it doesn't have notably pink stems so although I cherish the idea, the plant itself could easily become lost in the crowd.

Acorus Alocasia Anemone Arisaema Arum Asarum Aspidistra Begonia Bromeliads Camellia
Carnivorous Cautleya Chirita Chlorophytum Clivia Colocasia Crocosmia Dionaea Drosera Epimedium
Eucomis Fuchsia Galanthus Hedychium Helleborus Hemerocallis Hepatica Hosta Impatiens Iris
Liriope Ophiopogon Pinguicula Polygonatum Ranunculus ficaria Rhodohypoxis Rohdea Roscoea Sansevieria Sarracenia
Scilla Sempervivum Tricyrtis Tulbaghia Utricularia Viola odorata Watsonia

To find particular groups of plants I grow, click on the genus name in the table above. Click on the "Index" box at the top of the page for the full list.
I have a lot of good intentions when it comes to updating this site, and I try to keep a note about what is going on, if you are interested.
If you want to contact me, the address is infoMONKEYjohnjearrard.co.uk
When typing the address in, please replace MONKEY with the more traditional @ symbol! I apologise for the tiresome performance involved, but I am getting too much spam from automated systems as a result of having an address on the front page.