Thats enough introduction - on with the plants!
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... out in the garden.
13th March 2011
Narcissus bulbocodium var pallidus .
A beautiful spring week. Fortunately yesterday we had some gentle rain, which did a great job of refreshing the snowdrops I planted last week.
The garden is full of delicate delights, and although I was out there through the rain yesterday, I don't think I qualify.
This Narcissus has been in flower for a couple of weeks now but has just reached a peak. The N.bulbocodium forms have been
good this year, the forms of N.romieuxii have been rather pathetic. I think the cold weather in December upset them.
This variety comes from the Atlas Mountains in Morocco. The soft yellow fades away as the flowers mature until they are just on the
cheerful side of creamy (I have just tried to paint a room the same colour and it looks a rather septic yellow, but hopefully it
will fade as it dries). It seems happy in a pot as long as I remember to water it in the autumn when I assume the roots are growing
with unseen enthusiasm from the dormant bulbs.
13th March 2011
Viola grypoceras var exilis .
Or, alternatively, it might not be. One of those identifications that is based on a wing and a prayer, or more accurately a snippet of information and a poor
photograph. Mine has less rounded leaves than pictures online suggest but otherwise it seems to fit.
Previously known as V.coreana (assorted spellings are available) this is now treated as a Korean outlier of a Japanese species. Better
known in the USA than in the UK, it has been suggested that seed was introduced by military personnel returning from the Korean war.
It has been vigorous and resilient, not the fragile moisture loving woodlander that might be expected. I don't really know where I got it from.
The first time I was aware of it was when I found some unexpected leaves growing in one of the Sempervivum pots, however it has since turned up
in a number of different places and I haven't managed to think of any connection. I am currently delighted to have it, but I think it has potential to be a nuisance.
I have enough different species of weedy Oxalis (which I also find impossible to identify) to be a little wary of anything that self seeds
so effectively.
13th March 2011

Camellia 'Mary Christian'
A large flowered C.x williamsii hybrid raised at Caerhays. This is another plant with a question mark over the name.
It was planted about 20 years ago, and has become a magnificent large shrub. Somewhere along the way the name has been lost (there is probably
a label buried in the rootball but I don't think it will be seeing the light of day in the forseeable future). Not my favourite colour
but it has good deep green leaves which have a soothing effect and soften the harshness.
For a decade or so I have been puzzled by its identity. I have even been through the lists of things I have planted looking for a match. A couple of
years ago I took a branch down to Barncoose Nursery to see if they could help. Charles Williams identified it as perhaps 'Rosemary Williams' (and he should know)
so I will overlook the fact that I have no record of ever planting it. Somewhere along the way I have clearly made an error.
Years ago I could see it from my office window, but then I built a shed in the way. The shed has served its purpose and is falling down
(I will give it a helpful push when I get a moment) and I am quite pleased that the view will be restored.
13th March 2011

Anemone nemorosa 'Royal Blue' .
I have been stomping around the garden in hobnail boots through the weekend, removing a section of hedge I have got fed up with. I stopped for a while
in the lunchtime sunshine to take some pictures, and was delighted to find the first of the wood anemones in flower. It hasn't opened widely yet, and
the flower is rather tatty, but there are wonders to come. In my mind, I had arranged to get them all planted out before they started to grow.
Like so many plans, that one didn't quite make it off the drawing board. There is still time, but now I will be struggling to plant them without
damaging the new growth.
While creeping around on my knees making appreciative noises to it, I found a host of other promising shoots pushing up through the soil. I thought
all the Corydalis had died, and I was wrong. I could have filled the page today with promising green shoots of excitement but
it would have been rather dull for everyone else. Even the Epimedium are on the move so it is about to get busy!
To find particular groups of plants I grow, click on the genus name in the table above. Click on the "Index" box at the top of the page for the full list.
I have a lot of good intentions when it comes to updating this site, and I try to keep a note
about what is going on, if you are interested.
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