Camellia cuspidata
Archive entry 02.03.14
Archive entry 14.12.14
Archive entry 10.12.17
Archive entry 23.02.20
Archive entry 19.03.23
Archive entry 23.02.25
2nd May 2013
A Chinese species with small white flowers. I have only just got a plant and it is flowering in a greenhouse
while I find a place to plant it. I was worried that it might be a little tender but I have been told it is one of the
toughest species, which will make it easier to find a space.
25th March 2016
17th March 2018
Originally introduced from the first expedition to China by Ernest Wilson in 1900 and sent to James Veitch's nursery at Coombe Wood.
20th February 2020
W. J. Bean, Trees and Shrubs Hardy in the British Isles, Eighth edition.
International Camellia Society online Camellia register,