Cautleya is a small genus with three (or perhaps four) members. They are simple to tell apart
based on the number of flowers on the scape. I will rephrase that. They are theoretically
simple to tell apart based on the number of flowers on the scape.
I have a number forms other than those listed, but in the absence of decent photo's, listing them only
adds to the general Cautleya chaos.
Cautleya cathcartii BSWJ2314
Cautleya cathcartii "Lemon"
Cautleya cathcartii 'Tenzings Gold'
Cautleya gracilis
Cautleya gracilis Asian
Cautleya gracilis "Barracott"
Cautleya gracilis 'Cally Form'
Cautleya gracilis 'Crug Gold'
Cautleya gracilis CWC106
Cautleya lutea "Barracott"
Cautleya lutea "Bream"
Cautleya spicata
Cautleya spicata "Apricot"
Cautleya spicata 'Arun Flame'
Cautleya spicata 'Bleddyn's Beacon'
Cautleya spicata CC3676
Cautleya spicata 'Crug Canary'
Cautleya spicata 'Crug Cardinal'
Cautleya spicata green bracts
Cautleya spicata 'Robusta'