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Galanthus 'Brenda Troyle'

Archive entry 28.01.18
Archive entry 03.02.19
Archive entry 31.01.21
Archive entry 06.02.22
Archive entry 05.02.23
Archive entry 04.02.24
Archive entry 02.02.25

11th February 2007

A confused variety, but the modern plant is an excellent sturdy garden cultivar with large flowers. In 1954 the scientific committee of the RHS came to the conclusion that it was exactly the same as 'Straffan'. The modern plants are quite distinct, so something has changed in the last half century.

10th February 2008

12th February 2009

12th February 2011

I bought it in 2006 and in the five years it has been planted in the woods it has bulked up steadily and now makes a cheery little clump. The identity of the variety remains open to question but my plant is a tidy upright grower with rounded outer segments and the pedicels extend just above the tips of the spathe and then curve abruptly downwards.
Good old Brenda...whoever she was!

12th February 2012

14th February 2017

Establishing well under the Camellias though it still looks as though I have planted it out in little clumps. Perhaps that is not unreasonable, that is what happened.

3rd February 2021


  • Bishop, M., A.Davis and J.Grimshaw. Snowdrops, A monograph on cultivated Galanthus. Griffin Press Publishing ltd. 2001 (reprinted 2006).