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Galanthus elwesii var. monostictus Hiemalis Group

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Archive entry 01.12.24

17th December 2006

One of the earliest of the G.elwesii forms to flower.

26th January 2008 7th January 2010 11th January 2012
The name covers a rather loose assemblage of plants that flower early in the G.elwesii season, often starting at or before Christmas. They are generally quite small.
Much as I love my little plant, it has to be admitted that it does rather poorly when it comes to early flowering. In the early years of being planted out, it performed in December, but of late it has left it until the middle of January before it opens.
It has increased slowly over the last five years, and is certainly not the first of the snowdrops to make an impact, but I have at last managed to picture it in the snow where it can pretend to be wintery!

12th February 2009 14th November 2017 6th December 2019


  • Bishop, M., A.Davis and J.Grimshaw. Snowdrops, A monograph on cultivated Galanthus. Griffin Press Publishing ltd. 2001 (reprinted 2006).