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Hedychium 'Devon Cream'

Archive entry 16.09.18 Archive entry 04.11.18 Archive entry 13.09.20 Archive entry 31.10.21 Archive entry 01.10.23

25th August 2005 24th September 2006 22nd October 2021
A very beautiful plant, with an obscure origin. It was distributed from the gardens at Great Dixter, but its original source is unknown. It has previously been distributed as "Great Dixter" or "hybrid from Great Dixter". This new cultivar name, from KobaKoba, provides a firm nomenclatural base to work from. Assumed to be a hybrid between Hedychium coronarium and Hedychium gardnerianum, there are a number of other similar forms in circulation. 'Tresco 1', 'Tresco 2', 'Hardy Exotics 1', "Hybrid from St.Matins" and "Fake Tara" all seem to be derived from the same parents. How many different plants there actually are remains to be seen.
Planted in the garden it has demonstrated that it is one of the best for growing outdoors here.

2nd October 2008 13th september 2009 18th September 2011 13th September 2014