Mahonia 'Cabaret'
Archive entry 07.09.14
Archive entry 11.09.16
Archive entry 24.09.17
17th October 2010
A very new cultivar, there is some debate concerning its parentage. The red colour on the outer
side of the petals comes from Mahonia nitens and it has similar foliage characteristics,
so it could be a selection of the species or a close hybrid.
I couldn't resist a red Mahonia. I have a row of various species and hybrids planted to
thicken out the understorey of a windbreak and this has been added to their number.
10th October 2013
Discovered growing in a trail bed of M. nitens in Boskoop, The Netherlands in 2004 by Klaas W. Verboom.
It is thought to have M. gracilipes as the other parent.
6th September 2014
19th March 2019
It has been slow growing in the garden and the best display comes from the red new growth in spring.