Nerine filifolia
Archive entry 06.09.09
Archive entry 17.09.17
28th November 2008
One of the slight drawbacks to growing bulbs is that they end up looking like numberless pots of grass until they flower. I bought this particular pot of grass
eighteen months ago and I know from experience that it will continue to look like a pot of grass until suddenly one day it will flower (and with luck when
it does it will be Nerine filifolia! )
3rd September 2009
As expected, the flower arrived very suddenly. The flowers were pollinated, set seed and had started to germinate before the end of the year.
27th September 2013
A vigorous species from rocky ground in the summer rainfall area of East Cape. It is evergreen for me but looks rather tired
by the end of summer.
20th September 2018
Adding to the confusion of the group, this may be the real N. filifolia, I am uncertain about the plant above but I will sort it out eventually.
Chasos in the naming of the species means that I am now going to list my different plants seperately.