Another one from a batch of hybrid seed that is obviously a self pollinated R.tibetica. It is possible that others yet to
flower will be hybrids! (Ever the optimist).
13th August 2007
Flora of China Online, , accessed 19.11.2024.
Cowley, Jill - The Genus Roscoea, Royal Botanic Gardens Kew 2007.
Dunlop, Gary - 'The Genus Roscoea', Bulletin of the Alpine Garden Society, Vol.76, Part.2 (2008).
Wilford, Richard - 'Roscoeas for the rock garden', Bulletin of the Alpine Garden Society, Vol.67, Part.1 (1999).
Wilford, Richard - 'Roscoea on trial', The Plantsman, Vol.11, Part.2 (2012).