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Colocasia esculenta is grown throughout the tropics and sub-tropics as a foodstuff. The starchy tubers are used in similar ways to potaoes. As a result of it's wide range, there are a large number of varieties. They are not particularly hardy, but the tubers can be lifted, dried and stored for the winter without difficulty. There are a number of other species. Colocasia gaoligongensis from China, seems to be more or less hardy, but benefits from warm spring weather to give it a good start.

  • Colocasia aquatilis
  • Colocasia esculenta
  • Colocasia esculenta antiquorum 'Illustris'
  • Colocasia esculenta 'Big Dipper '
  • Colocasia esculenta'Black Magic'
  • Colocasia esculenta'Black Marble'
  • Colocasia esculenta 'Chicago Harlequin '
  • Colocasia esculenta'Clone 3'
  • Colocasia esculenta 'Coffee Cups '
  • Colocasia esculenta 'Elepaio '
  • Colocasia esculenta'Fontanesii'
  • Colocasia esculenta 'Jacks Giant '
  • Colocasia esculenta'Nancy's Revenge'
  • Colocasia esculenta 'Pink China '
  • Colocasia esculenta 'Ruffles'
  • Colocasia formosa
  • Colocasia gaoligongensis
  • Colocasia fallax 'Silver Dollar '
  • Colocasia gigantea
  • Colocasia heterochroma 'Dark Shadows '