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I am finding Clivia more and more appealing with every passing year. At present, plants from Chinese, Japanese, Australian, American and South African breeders are all appearing on the market, and the genus is developing in leaps and bounds. I have a few plants, and I am buying seed from the best breeders as it becomes available, so with luck there will be some good seedlings coming up!

Plants have been growing well, but I have had a problem with thefts from the greenhouse, and the Clivia have been particularly badly hit. I can't be here all the time and although I locked the doors for a while it is really irritating to pop out to the greenhouse and then realise I have forgotten the key. I'm sure it's only bored kids during the school holidays and they will grow out of it. Hopefully my losses mark the enthusiasm of a new generation of young people for growing plants.

Has thrown up a new setback. A mild winter was followed by a weeks freeze at the end of February. Temperatures in the greenhouse dropped to minus 4C and a number of the plants have turned to mush. Naturally it is the most interesting and well-developed specimens that have been hardest hit. The Chinese seedlings are looking very sad and the less usual species have suffered. There is a chance that they will regrow slowly from the base. It will be easier to judge their chances once I have cleaned them up but I am going to wait for a week or two. Prompt action might be a better response, but I don't have the heart to face it at present.

  • Clivia caulescens
  • Clivia (caulescens x miniata)
  • Clivia gardenii
  • Clivia gardenii Maxima Group
  • Clivia (gardenii x miniata)
  • Clivia miniata
  • Clivia miniata 'Belgian Akebono'
  • Clivia miniata Broad Leaf x Yellow
  • Clivia miniata 'Chanchung'
  • Clivia miniata "Chinese Variegated"
  • Clivia miniata Chubb Peach
  • Clivia miniata var citrina
  • Clivia miniata Citrina Variegated
  • Clivia miniata 'Dark Orange'
  • Clivia miniata 'Daruma Monk Hybrid '
  • Clivia miniata 'Daruma Variegated '
  • Clivia miniata "Disturbed Leaf"
  • Clivia miniata Dr Hirao x Nakamura Variegated
  • Clivia miniata 'Dyna's Yellow'
  • Clivia miniata 'Florid Orange'
  • Clivia miniata Florid Orange x Vico Yellow
  • Clivia miniata 'Fukurin Akebono'
  • Clivia miniata 'Green Flower'
  • Clivia miniata 'Green Throat'
  • Clivia miniata 'Lemon Variegated'
  • Clivia miniata 'Light of Buddha '
  • Clivia miniata 'Malian Variegated'
  • Clivia miniata 'Miniature Henglan '
  • Clivia miniata 'Monk'
  • Clivia miniata 'New Dawn'
  • Clivia miniata 'Not Citrina'
  • Clivia miniata 'Painted Face Daruma'
  • Clivia miniata 'Pastel Shades'
  • Clivia miniata Picotee
  • Clivia miniata 'Rubida Variegated'
  • Clivia miniata 'Sparrow Variegated'
  • Clivia miniata 'Striata'
  • Clivia miniata 'Variegated'
  • Clivia miniata 'Variegated Henglan '
  • Clivia miniata Variegated Jacques Amand
  • Clivia miniata 'Vico Yellow'
  • Clivia miniata 'White Lips'
  • Clivia miniata "White Throat"
  • Clivia miniata 'Yellow Artificer'
  • Clivia miniata 'Yellow Crystal'
  • Clivia miniata 'Yellow Leaf Monk'
  • Clivia miniata 'Yellow Leaf Round Tip'
  • Clivia nobilis
  • Clivia robusta Maxima