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Introduction The Deconfusifier Sarracenia Seed Data

During the last year or so I have been rebuilding a collection of Sarracenias following an unfortunate fire in the greenhouse a few years ago that more or less wiped them out. As a consequence, many of the following plants are still young, newly acquired and often poorly coloured. As the years pass, the seedlings will mature and the pale will redden.

I have written a short note here about the issue of Sarracenia Names in cultivation.

And this is the Sarracenia Deconfusifier .

I have simplified these pages slightly in an attempt to make clearer sense of the variation that occurs. Each of the species shows significant variability, and all the species hybridise to produce fertile offspring. Some quite complex hybrids occur in the wild, and in cultivation there are large numbers of different hybrids in circulation.

There are eight generally accepted species of Sarracenia. There has been a long debate about the status of Sarracenia rubra ssp. alabamensis. Early opinion treated it is a species, Sarracenia alabamensis, but the taxonomic argument is rather slight, and a new name seems to have little utility.
Sarracenia purpurea ssp.venosa var.burkii is a distinctive variety of Sarracenia purpurea that occurs in a discrete southern population, and there are some significant arguments to support raising it to species status as Sarracenia rosea, however at present the arguments are insufficiently persuasive and once again, there seems little utility in change for its own sake. If you are prepared to suspend critical judgement, there are slight arguments in support of ten species, but they are sufficiently slight for me to waste no further time on them here!

There are a number of publications that deal with Sarracenias. My favourites at present are:
Donald E.Schnell, 'Carnivorous plants of the USA and Canada'. Second edition, 2002, Timber Press. The first edition was an old friend, and made a valliant attempt to put all of the available information into a single digestible volume. The second edition is a delight of digestible erudition, but would do substantially more damage if dropped on you from a tall building. (So take care, and don't say you weren't warned).
Sterwart McPherson, 'Pitcher Plants of the Americas',Macdonald and Woodward Publishing, 2007. A very recent addition, the intellectual equivalent of a kiss from a good looking stranger at a bus stop. Delightful, unexpected and lingering in the memory.

Sarracenia species

  • Sarracenia alata
  • Sarracenia flava
  • Sarracenia leucophylla
  • Sarracenia minor
  • Sarracenia oreophila
  • Sarracenia psittacina
  • Sarracenia purpurea
  • Sarracenia rubra
  • Sarracenia Primary Hybrids

    There are no barriers to hybridisation between the species of Sarracenia, and wherever their natural distributions meet, hybrids are produced. Many of these first generation hybrids have been given botanical names at one time or another. Some of the possible primary hybrids do not occur in the wild, because the distributions of the parents do not overlap, but they have all been produced in cultivation. In general terms, the primary hybrids are intermediate in form and colour between the parent species.
    It does not seem to matter which parent is used to produce the seed, and which provides the pollen, the hybrids produced are the same. (There is a slight possibility that some minor characters are maternally inherited.) Therefore I list the parents in hybrid combinations in alphabetical order. This helps to ensure that equivalent plants are grouped together in the files for comparison. I find that it reduces the confusion in the collection slightly!
    I use the notation Sarracenia (flava * purpurea) to refer to all crosses that involve Sarracenia flava and Sarracenia purpurea only. The botanical term for that assemblage is Sarracenia x catesbaei. If I use the hybrid formula Sarracenia (flava x purpurea) then it refers to the plants pedigree, a first generation cross between Sarracenia flava and Sarracenia purpurea.

  • Sarracenia (alata * flava)
  • Sarracenia (alata * leucophylla) = Sarracenia x areolata
  • Sarracenia (alata * minor) = Sarracenia x minata
  • Sarracenia (alata * oreophila)
  • Sarracenia (alata * psittacina)
  • Sarracenia (alata * purpurea) = Sarracenia x exornata
  • Sarracenia (alata * rubra) = Sarracenia x ahlsii
  • Sarracenia (flava * leucophylla) = Sarracenia x moorei
  • Sarracenia (flava * minor) = Sarracenia x harperi
  • Sarracenia (flava * oreophila)
  • Sarracenia (flava * psittacina)
  • Sarracenia (flava * purpurea) = Sarracenia x catesbaei
  • Sarracenia (flava * rubra) = Sarracenia x popei
  • Sarracenia (leucophylla * minor) = Sarracenia x excellens
  • Sarracenia (leucophylla * oreophila)
  • Sarracenia (leucophylla * psittacina) = Sarracenia x wrigleyana
  • Sarracenia (leucophylla * purpurea) = Sarracenia x mitchelliana
  • Sarracenia (leucophylla * rubra) = Sarracenia x readii
  • Sarracenia (minor * oreophila)
  • Sarracenia (minor * psittacina) = Sarracenia x formosa
  • Sarracenia (minor * purpurea) = Sarracenia x swaniana
  • Sarracenia (minor *rubra) = Sarracenia x rehderi
  • Sarracenia (oreophila * psittacina)
  • Sarracenia (oreophila * purpurea)
  • Sarracenia (oreophila * rubra)
  • Sarracenia (psittacina * purpurea) = Sarracenia x courtii
  • Sarracenia (psittacina * rubra) = Sarracenia x gilpinii
  • Sarracenia (purpurea * rubra) = Sarracenia x chelsonii
  • Sarracenia Complex Hybrids

    There are bucket loads of complex hybrids. With every passing year more are produced, and they become more and more complex. I am including them in groups based on the parents involved.

  • Sarracenia (alata * flava * leucophylla)
  • Sarracenia (alata * flava * leucophylla * minor)
  • Sarracenia (alata * flava * leucophylla * purpurea)
  • Sarracenia (alata * flava * purpurea)
  • Sarracenia (alata * flava * rubra)
  • Sarracenia (alata * leucophylla * minor)
  • Sarracenia (alata * leucophylla * purpurea)
  • Sarracenia (alata * leucophylla * purpurea * rubra)
  • Sarracenia (flava * leucophylla * minor)
  • Sarracenia (flava * leucophylla * oreophila)
  • Sarracenia (flava * leucophylla * purpurea)
  • Sarracenia (flava * leucophylla * rubra)
  • Sarracenia (flava * leucophylla * minor * oreophila)
  • Sarracenia (flava * leucophylla * minor * purpurea)
  • Sarracenia (flava * leucophylla * minor * oreophila * rubra)
  • Sarracenia (flava * leucophylla * minor * psittacina * purpurea)
  • Sarracenia (flava * leucophylla * minor * purpurea)
  • Sarracenia (flava * leucophylla * oreophila * rubra)
  • Sarracenia (flava * minor * psittacina * purpurea)
  • Sarracenia (flava * minor * purpurea)
  • Sarracenia (flava * minor * purpurea * rubra)
  • Sarracenia (flava * oreophila * purpurea)
  • Sarracenia (flava * purpurea * rubra)
  • Sarracenia (leucophylla * minor * psittacina)
  • Sarracenia (leucophylla * minor * purpurea)
  • Sarracenia (leucophylla * minor * rubra)
  • Sarracenia (leucophylla * oreophila * purpurea)
  • Sarracenia (leucophylla * psittacina * purpurea)
  • Sarracenia (leucophylla * purpurea * rubra)
  • Sarracenia (minor * oreophila * purpurea)
  • Sarracenia (minor * psittacina * purpurea)
  • Sarracenia (oreophila * purpurea * rubra)
  • Sarracenia (psittacina * purpurea * rubra)
  • Sarracenia Complex undetermined hybrids
  • Sarracenia Cultivars

    I have included the cultivars that have been named, some formally, some informally. I have also included a few names I use myself in the collection to refer to clones that are too complex to refer to with hybrid formulae. It allows plants to be referred to simply, accurately and consistently (which is, after all, the point of naming).

  • Sarracenia 'Abandon Hope No.1' H-320-XW
  • Sarracenia 'Abandon Hope No.2' H-321-XW
  • Sarracenia 'Adrian Slack' H-113-MK
  • Sarracenia 'Andrew Cox' H-233-IF
  • Sarracenia 'ASBO' H-344-AP
  • Sarracenia 'Bath Hybrid' H-109-CR
  • Sarracenia 'Beetles Bonnet' H-196-JW.
  • Sarracenia 'Blackadder' H-272-EU
  • Sarracenia 'Blackberry Sundae' H-103-MK
  • Sarracenia 'BLM' H-133-MK
  • Sarracenia 'Burgundy Red Wine' H-357-RVO
  • Sarracenia 'Camisole' H-28-DCB
  • Sarracenia 'Carnon Downs A' H-100-CDGC
  • Sarracenia 'Carnon Downs B' H-101-CDGC
  • Sarracenia 'Carnon Downs C' H-102-CDGC
  • Sarracenia 'Carnon October' H-189-CDGC
  • Sarracenia 'Case's Resolve' H-317-JK
  • Sarracenia 'Cooks Hybrid' H-90-KC
  • Sarracenia 'Comptonensis' H-119-AC
  • Sarracenia 'Copper Vase' H-116-MK
  • Sarracenia 'Coppery Thing' H-130U-AS
  • Sarracenia 'Cowboy' H-182-ON
  • Sarracenia 'Crimson Queen' H-254-DCB
  • Sarracenia 'Cromer Hybrid' H-25-EMJ
  • Sarracenia 'Dana's Delight' H-109-MK
  • Sarracenia 'Daniel Rudd' H-71-PJG
  • Sarracenia 'Dark Thing' H-52-AS
  • Sarracenia 'Dawn Prince' H-345-DCB
  • Sarracenia 'Decora' H-96-KC
  • Sarracenia 'Decora' H-349-DCB
  • Sarracenia 'Diane Whittaker' H-2-MK
  • Sarracenia 'Dino Almacolle' H-126-MK
  • Sarracenia 'Dixie Lace' H-8-JW
  • Sarracenia 'Dixie Lace' H-215-JC
  • Sarracenia 'Doodle Bug' H-94-KC
  • Sarracenia 'Dracula' H-336-EU
  • Sarracenia 'Dusky Princess' H-259-DCB
  • Sarracenia 'Eurodragon' H-259-EU
  • Sarracenia 'Eurojewel' H-257-EU
  • Sarracenia 'Eurolizard' H-258-EU
  • Sarracenia 'Evendine' H-14-AP
  • Sarracenia 'Eva' H-252-MK
  • Sarracenia 'Ferndown Green' H-24-WGC
  • Sarracenia 'Fiery Joe' H-1-B
  • Sarracenia 'Flash' H-244-JW
  • Sarracenia 'Frilly Billy' H-179-HC
  • Sarracenia 'Glider' H-257-VB
  • Sarracenia 'Gods Gift' H-1-MK
  • Sarracenia 'Gods Gift' H-145-BL
  • Sarracenia 'Gold Top Thing' H-132U-AS
  • Sarracenia 'Golden Pitcher' H-186-TS
  • Sarracenia 'Grape Mystique' H-115-MK
  • Sarracenia 'Hooded November' H-192-CPS
  • Sarracenia 'Hugh Jampton' SX-200-AS
  • Sarracenia 'Hummers Hammerhead' H-83-KC
  • Sarracenia 'Hummers Hammerhead' H-101-MK
  • Sarracenia 'Imhotep' H-268-JJ
  • Sarracenia 'Jedi' H-184-ON
  • Sarracenia 'Jenny Helen' H-48-AP
  • Sarracenia 'Jenny Helen' H-218-JC
  • Sarracenia 'Joanne Bates' H-196-MK
  • Sarracenia 'Judith Hindle' H-9-EB
  • Sarracenia 'Judith Hindle' H-212-JC
  • Sarracenia 'Judy' (Pseudo-Judy ?) H-15-AP
  • Sarracenia 'Judy' H-21-PJG
  • Sarracenia 'June Bug' H-87-KC
  • Sarracenia 'Juthatip Soper' H-55-MK
  • Sarracenia 'Juthatip Soper' H-209-JC
  • Sarracenia 'Ladies in Waiting' H-29-DCB
  • Sarracenia 'Ladies in Waiting' H-41-AP
  • Sarracenia 'Ladies in Waiting' H-197-JW.
  • Sarracenia 'Ladybug' H-95-KC
  • Sarracenia 'Langford Williams' H-180-PJG
  • Sarracenia 'Leah Wilkerson' H-112-MK
  • Sarracenia 'Llama' H-108-MK
  • Sarracenia 'Llama' H-167-SJ
  • Sarracenia 'Loch Ness' H-22-DB
  • Sarracenia 'Loch Ness' H-145A-MK
  • Sarracenia 'Loch Ness' H-145B-MK
  • Sarracenia 'Lovebug ' H-32-ST
  • Sarracenia 'Lovebug ' H-144-AA
  • Sarracenia 'Lynda Butt' H-10-MK
  • Sarracenia 'Lynda Butt' H-49-AP
  • Sarracenia 'Manta Ray' H-258-DCB
  • Sarracenia 'Mardi Gras' H-89-KC
  • Sarracenia 'Marston Mill' H-354-PJG
  • Sarracenia 'Mary Cheek' H-356-MS
  • Sarracenia 'Meike' H-181-W
  • Sarracenia 'Mercury' H-115-CC
  • Sarracenia 'Mushroom Periscope' H-107-JL
  • Sarracenia 'Mushroom Periscope' H-107-MK
  • Sarracenia 'Night Nurse' H-346-DCB
  • Sarracenia 'Night Sky' H-96-MK.
  • Sarracenia 'Norman Parker' H-125-DCB
  • Sarracenia 'Not Aidans Thing' H-51-AS
  • Sarracenia 'Not Daniel Rudd' H-171-MK
  • Sarracenia 'Paradisia Red Form' H-63-AP
  • Sarracenia 'Pink Thing' SX-82-AS
  • Sarracenia 'Pinky' H-335-EU
  • Sarracenia 'Pretty n Pink' H-114-MK
  • Sarracenia 'Pseudo-Judy' H-20-SL
  • Sarracenia x catesbaei 'Raymondii' H-350-DCB
  • Sarracenia 'Red Veiny Thing' SX-90-AS
  • Sarracenia 'Red Sumatra' H-45-MK
  • Sarracenia 'Red Viper' H-318-JK
  • Sarracenia 'Redneck' H-183-ON
  • Sarracenia 'Redneck' H-333-EU
  • Sarracenia 'Rudolph II' H-78-MK
  • Sarracenia 'Scarlet Belle' H-316-NMK
  • Sarracenia 'Skywatcher' H-102-MK
  • Sarracenia 'Snowflake' H-319-JK
  • Sarracenia 'Sore Throat' H-347-DCB
  • Sarracenia 'South West Pink Hood' H-253-AP
  • Sarracenia 'South West White' H-252-AP
  • Sarracenia 'Spiderman' SH-05-AL
  • Sarracenia 'Stevensii' H-5-TGC
  • Sarracenia 'Stevensii' H-99-CDGC
  • Sarracenia 'Stevensii' H-211-JC
  • Sarracenia 'Sultry Maid' H-111-MK
  • Sarracenia 'Sultry Maid' H-213-JC
  • Sarracenia 'Tara' H-234-RD
  • Sarracenia 'Tarn' H-348-DCB
  • Sarracenia 'Tiger' H-334-EU
  • Sarracenia 'Trevenna Hybrid' H-134-TC
  • Sarracenia 'Twisted and Floppy' H-54-JJ
  • Sarracenia 'Umlauftiana' H-13-AP
  • Sarracenia 'Uncle Jims Road' H-232-AC
  • Sarracenia 'Uncle Jims Road 1' H-11A-MK
  • Sarracenia 'Uncle Jims Road 2' H-11B-MK
  • Sarracenia 'Up-White Thing' H-53-AS
  • Sarracenia 'Variegated Hybrid' H-231-EU
  • Sarracenia 'Veiny Orange Thing' H-131U-AS
  • Sarracenia 'Victoria Morley' H-40-MK
  • Sarracenia 'Vogel' H-253-MK
  • Sarracenia 'Walkers Hybrid' H-126-DB
  • Sarracenia 'Welsh Dragon' H-271-IS
  • Sarracenia 'White Sparkler' H-46-MK
  • Sarracenia 'Wisley Crinkle' H-129-W
  • Sarracenia 'Wisley Dark' H-127-W
  • Sarracenia 'Wisley Sparks' H-128-W
  • Sarracenia 'Zuzu Bokor Tov' H-322-XW
  • Sarracenia 'Zuzu Copper Cloud' H-323-XW
  • Sarracenia 'Zuzu Nimbus' H-324-XW
  • Sarracenia 'Zuzu Schlomit K.' H-325-XW
  • Sarracenia 'Zuzu Schlomit's Sister' H-326-XW
  • Sarracenia 'Zuzu Twilight' H-327-XW
  • Sarracenia 'Zuzu Voodoo Colours' H-328-XW
  • Sarracenia 'Zuzu Voodoo Doll' H-329-XW
  • Sarracenia 'Zuzu Voodoo Lady' H-330-XW
  • Sarracenia 'Zuzu Voodoo Puppet' H-331-XW
  • Sarracenia 'Zuzu White Cloud' H-332-XW